Inspiration of the week: “Angelic Troublemakers” and “Good Trouble”
When I heard a quote by Bayard Rustin this weekend, I immediately had to read more about him – an almost unknown civil rights leader – at least in my history books. Even more than the quote cited*, I thought about you, public school teachers, when I read another of his quotes:
We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers.
Add that to John Lewis’ famous quote:
Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and
help redeem the soul of America.
Powerful words to us today. Whether you consciously think about it or not, teachers embody the call of these two leaders to not avoid the trouble, the conflict, but to embrace it.
*Let us be enraged by injustice, but let us not be destroyed by it. (Bayard Rustin)